
This blog used to be called Repurposed Playground. And for a few years, when my now 80 pound 8 year old was first toddling around on the planet, I tried to combine the wild ride of new motherhood with my love of spaces, DIY projects and living a bit more simply. I gave it as much energy as I could and even had a few of my projects shared on bigger platforms. But I never really jumped in and it never really went anywhere. And it never really was what I wanted to talk about or write about. The reality is that I am actually way too impatient for DIY projects and I am getting more and more agitated by the collection of stuff and the tending to it requires.

So I decided to have our babysitter come an hour earlier than planned and give myself the gift of 60 unplanned minutes. 60 kid free and spouse and duty free minutes. I sat down at the cafe and started into my never ending to-do list and somehow within 10 minutes landed in back in blogger.com, wondering if I even knew my password anymore.

I know this is an archaic place to blog but if I don't start writing today I will come up with every imaginable excuse and never start.

I found the pause. banner I created years ago in a folder named "Old Projects". I replaced the old banner, changed the url and quickly and easily reverted all of my old posts to drafts, leaving nothing but a blank canvas. In a manner of minutes, I have a fresh start and a place to start and that is all one ever needs.

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